The Long Journey Home
Bible Studies, Messages, Papers on the Book of Ezra-Nehemiah
Photograph: Illuminated manuscript of Nehemiah as cupbearer to Artaxerxes, the King of Persia. From a 13th century manuscript in Paris, and now in the National Library of the Netherlands. Photo credit: National Library of the Netherlands | Public Domain, Picryl.
Below are messages, small group leader notes, and exegetical notes on the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah, considered one book in Jewish tradition.
Notes and Essays on Ezra-Nehemiah
The Heir of David: A Thematic and Canonical Analysis of the Writings
Essay exploring how the Writings — the third group of the Hebrew Bible according to the Jewish tradition — are arranged. There is a garden-to-exile-to-restoration theme that can be discerned in the orderings of the books in the Writings. The Writings develop the readers’ hope in the Heir of David as the one who will bring about the restoration from exile, and return to the garden land.