
Study & Action Guides


Photograph: Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) members at a conference in Tougaloo College in 1965.  Photo credit:  Unknown | Creative Commons; cropped. SNCC was instrumental in mobilizing black voters against Jim Crow segregation, and voting for Civil Rights legislation.  Christians Ella J. Baker and James Lawson were early leaders of SNCC. 


Why Study and Act?


Doing is a vital part of learning. In his Letter from Birmingham Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to the early Christian movement as radical and revolutionary. We seek to recover their thought, activity, and spiritual vitality. These Guides help you do so, too.


Format and Structure


The Guides are designed for small group discussion. They follow the same structure:

First, examine an issue that has personal and policy importance.

Second, compare Scripture reflecting Christian Restorative Justice with another belief system, as related to the issue.

Third, consider suggestions for personal and/or policy action, and/or respond in a way best suited for your context.


Experiences and Reviews


Our experience is that people who are not Christian appreciate both the issues and the comparison of belief systems. So the Guides are designed to help Christians and non-Christians participate in the discussion.


To Learn More


See our Christian Restorative Justice Study Guide if you are just learning about Christian restorative justice.

See our Politics and Christian Restorative Justice section for resources on a full spectrum of issues of policy and power, because Jesus restores God’s vision for relationships.

Please contact us with any of your needs for assistance or coaching; we would be glad to help.

Consider joining our Facebook group. We would like our partners to be part of a learning community where others can ask about your experience.