
Trends on Sex


Photo credit:  Chris Messina | CC0. 



The following resources observe attitudes towards, beliefs about, experiences of, and reflections on, sex. They tend to reflect challenges, inner and interpersonal conflicts, longings, and struggles to understand this experience. They are not from a Christian perspective.


Other Resources on Trends on Sex

Top Resources

Ellie Anderson, Women in Philosophy: The Limits of Consent in Sexual Ethics.  American Philosophy Association Blog, April 24, 2019.  Demonstrates that consent is necessary but not sufficient as a condition for sexual relations. Chris Williamson, Modern Feminism Has Failed Everyone.  Modern Wisdom Podcast 492, Jun 27, 2022.  A 90 minute video interview with Louise Perry.  “Expect to learn why trying to not catch feelings when sleeping with someone is very dangerous, how TikTok is encouraging young girls into rough sex, whether sex work is real work, why men's porn addictions are ruining their sex lives, how the washing machine is more useful than most feminists, whether inventing the pill was an error and much more…”  

04:38 What’s Wrong with the Sexual Revolution?

11:15 Challenging the Idea of ‘Progress’

21:01 Invention of the Pill

27:48 Dynamics of Modern Dating & Marriage

33:55 Explaining Sexual Disenchantment

43:08 The Argument for Celibacy Before Marriage

50:44 Why is Loveless Sex Empowering?

1:04:56 Louise’s Findings on Porn

1:16:09 People Are Not Products

1:25:37 How to Act Against the Sexual Revolution

Amia Srinivasan, The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. MacMillan Publishers, Sep 21, 2021. Srinivasan represents the viewpoint of second wave feminism from the UK, and points out that the type of sex that women, especially, are having, is a political and public question. See interview with Emma Vigeland, Incel Phenomenon Feeds Off Right-Wing Narratives. The Majority Report, Jul 5, 2023. Srinivasan points out that consensual market transaction becomes the lens by which sex and sex positivity are viewed. Incels hold a grievance that sex is a status-conferring commodity that they cannot have or purchase, but do not question the fundamental consumerist, transactional frame.

Vice, Why The Far Right Are So Weird About Sex | Decade of Hate. Vice, May 26, 2022. White supremacy and anti-feminism converge as part of fascist “anti-left” politics and violence against women.


Robert E. Rector, Kirk A. Johnson, Lauren R. Noyes, Shannan Martin, The Harmful Effects of Early Sexual Activity and Multiple Sexual Partners Among Women: A Book of Charts. The Heritage Foundation, Jun 23, 2003. Data based on the Center for Disease Control; but unfortunately there is not an equivalent study for men

D.D. Halfors, M.W. Waller, D. Bauer, C.A. Ford, C.T. Halpern, Which Comes First in Adolescence - Sex and Drugs or Depression? American Journal of Preventative Medicine, Oct 2005. “Overall, sex and drug behavior predicted an increased likelihood of depression, but depression did not predict behavior… Engaging in sex and drug behaviors places adolescents, and especially girls, at risk for future depression. Future research is needed to better understand the mechanisms of the relationship between adolescent behavior and depression, and to determine whether interventions to prevent or stop risky behaviors will also reduce the risk of later depression.” This controlled study is based on 13,491 youth, grades 7 to 11.

Women's Justice Center, Sweden's Prostitution Solution: Why Hasn't Anyone Tried This Before? Women’s Justice Center website, 2005.

“In just five years Sweden has dramatically reduced the number of its women in prostitution. In the capital city of Stockholm the number of women in street prostitution has been reduced by two thirds, and the number of johns has been reduced by 80%. There are other major Swedish cities where street prostitution has all but disappeared. Gone too, for the most part, are the renowned Swedish brothels and massage parlors which proliferated during the last three decades of the twentieth century when prostitution in Sweden was legal… In 1999, after years of research and study, Sweden passed legislation that a) criminalizes the buying of sex, and b) decriminalizes the selling of sex.”

Julie Bindel, Why Men Use Prostitutes. The Guardian, Jan 14, 2010.

Jeffrey Kluger, Girls Kissing Girls: Explaining the Trend.  Time, Sep 15, 2010.

Jeffrey Kluger, Too Many One-Night Stands? Blame Your Genes.  Time, Dec 2, 2010.

National Geographic, Sex, Lies, and Gender.  National Geographic, Jan 24, 2011.  Video.

Juliet Jeske, Dating After Divorce in a City of Sluts. Huffington Post, Sep 3, 2011. a New York comedian's reflection on dating in a culture of easy sex 

Thomas Rogers, The Invention of the Heterosexual.  Salon, Jan 22, 2012.

Hal Herzog, The Problem With Incest: Evolution, Morality, and the Politics of Abortion. Psychology Today, Oct 11, 2012.

Mark Regnerus, Liberal Women Wish for More Sex. Why?  Patheos blog, Nov 26, 2012.

Sara A. Vasilenko, Eva S. Lefkowitz, and Jennifer L. Maggs, Short-term Positive and Negative Consequences of Sex Based on Daily Reports among College Students. Journal of Sex Research, Nov 2012.  A formal scientific, controlled study.

“Participants reported positive consequences more frequently than negative consequences. Non-use of contraception and sex with a non-dating partner were associated with greater odds of reporting negative consequences. These findings have implications for messages about casual sex and use of contraception in sex education and sexual health programming.”

Dan Slater, A Million First Dates: How Online Romance Is Threatening Monogamy.  The Atlantic, Jan/Feb 2013.

Alyssa Goldstein, When Women Wanted Sex Much More Than Men.  AlterNet, Mar 19, 2013.

Rod Dreher, Sex After Christianity.  The American Conservative, Apr 11, 2013.

Palash Ghosh, South Korea: A Thriving Sex Industry In A Powerful, Wealthy Super-State.  International Business Times, Apr 29, 2013.

Ann Friedman, When Women Pursue Sex, Even Men Don't Get It. New Yorker Magazine, Jun 4, 2013.

Kate Taylor, Sex on Campus: She Can Play That Game, Too. New York Times, Jul 12, 2013.

Emily Yoffe, College Women: Stop Getting Drunk. Slate, Oct 15, 2013.

Katy Waldman, Young People in Japan Have Given Up on Sex. Slate, Oct 22, 2013.

Amanda Hess, College Men and Women Express Different Sexual Regrets. Could Cave People Be to Blame?  Nov 27, 2013.

Claire Kamp Dush, How Poor Mental Health and Casual Sex Reinforce Each Other. Ohio State Univ, Nov 19, 2013.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Casual Sex and the Unsatisfied Woman. Huffington Post, Nov 12, 2013.

Claire Hannum, Casual Sex Might Be Making Teenagers Sad. xojane, Nov 26, 2013.

Sharon K. Farber, In Hookups, Inequality Still Reigns. Psychology Today, Dec 26, 2013.

“Women who complain that their hookup partner did not care enough to bring her to orgasm should understand that they can’t have it both ways. Blame it on evolution. Women generally need to feel cared for enough during sex to allow themselves to let go enough to release all inhibitions. As I wrote in my new book Hungry for Ecstasy: Trauma, the Brain, and the Influence of the Sixties, whether it is a male or female having an orgasm, all orgasms feature rhythmic pelvic contractions, an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure, rapid breathing and increased muscle tension, followed by, finally, the rapid release of all tension, the orgasm. For a woman to allow herself this pleasure, she must feel free of all inhibitions. Not so for most men, although there are some who do need to feel cared for to have an orgasm, which I wrote about in the same book. We tend not to hear much about them, probably because it may imply that they are less than macho. Like it or not, most women need to feel cared for to feel free of inhibitions. Nature designed it this way. Oxytocin is a hormone found in human breast milk. It is called the hormone of love and attachment, which I wrote about in an earlier blog. Oxytocin also increases arousal and satisfaction.”

Caroline Heldman, "The Sexy Lie": We Should Be Talking About Sexual Objectification. Huffington Post, Jan 14, 2014.

Michelle Goldberg, Feminism's Toxic Twitter Wars . The Nation, Jan 29, 2014.

Eve Tushnet, Coming Out Christian: How Faithful Homosexuals Are Transforming Our Churches. The American Conservative, Jan 29, 2014.

Soraya Chemaly, Why Are So Many Boys Leaving High School Thinking Rape is Funny?  Huffington Post, Feb 10, 2014.

Charlotte Lieberman, Why Is College Dating So Screwed Up?  Cosmopolitan, Feb 10, 2014.

Ian Sample, Study Finds Gene on X Chromosome Linked to Male Homosexuality. Raw Story, Feb 14, 2014.

Jessica Rey, The Godly Truth About Bikinis. video, Feb 27, 2014.

Lauren Chief Elk, Campus Rape and the Rise of the Academic Industrial Complex. Truthout, Mar 3, 2014.

Leonid Bershidsky, Want a Lasting Relationship? Give Up Sex. Bloomberg, Mar 13, 2014.

Austin Institute of Family and Culture, Ever Wonder What Sex is Really Worth? The Economics of Sex. San Francisco Times, Mar 18, 2014.

Benoit Denizet-Lewis, The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists. New York Times, Mar 20, 2014.

Huffington Post, Two-Thirds of Cheaters Would Have an Affair With a Boss If This Was At Stake. Huffington Post, Mar 26, 2014.

Meltzer,, Sex Differences in the Implications of Partner Physical Attractiveness for the Trajectory of Marital Satisfaction. Journal of Personal Soc Psych, Mar 2014.

Andres Jauregui, School Principal Accused of Sex With Employees, Parent on Campus. Huffington Post, May 5, 2014.

Maureen O'Connor, Are the French Better at Sex?  New Yorker Magazine, May 12, 2014.

Donald G. McNeil, Jr., Are We Ready for HIV's Sexual Revolution?  New York Times, May 23, 2014.

Amanda Hess, The Pick-Up Artist Community’s Predictable, Horrible Response to a Mass Murder.  Slate, May 24, 2014.

Pepper Schwartz, Can Sexual Preference Change With Age? Research Shows Attraction Can Be Fluid When Love is Involved. AARP, Jun 13, 2014.

Emily Witt, Love Me Tinder. GQ, Jul 2014.

Ryan Grenoble, Stephen Colbert Steps Out of Character to Offer Heartfelt Advice to Young Women. Huffington Post, Aug 4, 2014.

Tom Jacobs, The Painful Paradox of Coercive Sexuality. Pacific Standard, Aug 13, 2014.

Taryn Hillin, New Study Claims People Who’ve Had More Sexual Partners Report Unhappier Marriages. Huffington Post, Aug 22, 2014.

Dana Dovey, DNA From Sperm Of Ex Partners Lingers In Female Flies And Influences The Genetics Of Her Offspring. Medical Daily, Oct 1, 2014.

Jesse Singal, The Cruel Paradox of Friends With Benefits Relationships. New Yorker Magazine, Oct 2, 2014.

Margo Kaplan, Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime. New York Times, Oct 5, 2014.

Curtis M. Wong, Should Incest Between Consenting Adult Siblings Be Legalized? Experts Sound Off. Huffington Post, Oct 9, 2014.

Hanna Rosin, Why Kids Sext. The Atlantic, Oct 14, 2014.

Lori Keong, One School Is Teaching Its Students How to Break Up Better. New Yorker Magazine, Oct 14, 2014.

Gracy Olmstead, How Sexting Hurts Women. The American Conservative, Oct 18, 2014.

Tony Calvin, Why I Visit Prostitutes. Salon, Oct 19, 2014.

Kristin Battista-Frazee, My Dad, the Pornographer: How “Deep Throat” Forever Changed My Childhood. Salon, Oct 19, 2014.

Emily Bazelon, Hooking Up at an Affirmative-Consent Campus?  It's Complicated. New York Times, Oct 21, 2014.

Maureen O'Connor, College Sex is the Worst Sex, and That's Okay. New Yorker Magazine, Oct 22, 2014.

Reina A.E. Gattuso, Suck: Toward a Better Politics of Nakedness. Harvard Crimson, Oct 23, 2014.

Lindsey Tanner, New Study Suggests Genetic Link for Male Homosexuality. Huffington Post, Nov 17, 2014.

Sabrina Rubin Erdely, A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA. Rolling Stone, Nov 19, 2014.

Ann Brenoff, Five Ways the Boomer Generation Changed Sex Forever. Huffington Post, Nov 28, 2014.

Somaya Chemaly, Our 'Rape Problem' Can't Be Solved By Colleges. Huffington Post, Nov 28, 2014.

Josh Dickey, Everyone is Altered. Mashable, Dec 1, 2014.

Fresh Air, How Girls Are Developing Earlier in an Age of "New Puberty". NPR, Dec 2, 2014.

Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Rape Culture Everyone Ignores. The Week, Dec 9, 2014.

Brittany Wong, Apparently, The Holiday Season Is Also Cheating Season. Huffington Post, Dec 16, 2014.

Melanie Pritchard, Why I Don't Let My 4 Year Old Daughter Wear Spaghetti Straps. blog, Jan 5, 2015.

Jesse Singal, Lots of Men Don't Think Rape is Rape. New Yorker Magazine, Jan 13, 2015.

Alexa Tsoulis-Reay, What It’s Like to Date Your Dad. NY Magazine, Jan 15, 2015.

Ana Swanson, How Sexy Are Different Types of Creativity?  Washington Post, Jan 16, 2015.

Deborah Becker and Shannon Dooling, Documentary Series Looks at Sex Trafficking in Boston. NPR, Jan 30, 2015.

Brad Sagarin, The Surprising Psychology of BDSM. Psychology Today, Feb 5, 2015.

Seth Ferranti, Why Do Female Prison Guards Keep Having Sex with Inmates?  Vice, Feb 9, 2015.

Ross Douthat, The Caligulan Thrill.  New York Times, Feb 14, 2015.

Katie Rose Guest Pryal, Raped on Campus? Don’t Trust Your College to Do the Right Thing. Chronicle of Higher Education, Mar 2, 2015.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, 6 Reasons Why Women Fake It During Sex. Psychology Today, Mar 14, 2015.

Anyi Cheng and Jenna Marvet, Gunn Hookup Culture Affected by Dating Apps. The Oracle, Mar 16, 2015.

Tara Culp-Ressler, Leaked Memo Reveals What ‘Breastaurants’ Actually Think Of Their Customers. ThinkProgress, May 19, 2015.

Christin Scarlett Milloy, Salacious Personal Details About My Sexy Trans Body, or Why I Don't Discuss My Surgical Status. Salon, Jun 8, 2015.

Aziz Ansari, Everything You Heard About Love is Wrong. Time, Jun 9, 2015.

Gene Callahan, The Ideology of Caitlin Jenner. The American Conservative, Jun 8, 2015.

Fight the New Drug, Growing Up Fast: Why 12 Year Old Girls Are Having Sex Rougher, Earlier. Fight the New Drug, Jun 12, 2015.

Everyday Feminism, What If We Treated Other Consent Situations Like Society Treats Sexual Consent?  Women's Rights News, Jun 24, 2015.

Lauren Richardson, University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be Aroused By Children’.  Truth Uncensored, Jun 27, 2015.

Michael Stone, Arizona Pastor Calls for Execution of LGBT Citizens. Patheos blog, Jun 29, 2015.

Key and Peele, For Realsies?  video, Jun 29, 2015.  Humorously raises the question of whether consent is the most important part of a sexual relationship

Zhana Vrangalova, Is Casual Sex Bad For You?  TED talk, Jun 30, 2015.

Sara Burrows, Polyamory Is Next, And I’m One Reason Why.  The Federalist, Jun 30, 2015.  And response from D.C. McAllister, Polyamory Is Bad For Kids, Polyamorists, And Society. The Federalist, Jul 6, 2015.

Amy Sohn, First Comes Sex Talk With These Renegades of Couples Therapy. New York Times, Jul 1, 2015.

Kim Katetsky, Asexual and Happy. New York Times, Jul 2, 2015.

Marilyn Friedman, How Anal Sex Ruined My Relationship. Salon, Jul 12, 2015.

Jesse Singal, Why Straight Men Have Sex With Each Other. NY Magazine, Aug 5, 2015.

Mark Weber, Decriminalization of Sex Work Would Only Expand Abuse. Seattle Times, Aug 6, 2015.

Emma Court, A Millenial's Guide to Kissing. New York Times, Aug 6, 2015.

Mel Robbins, Has Tinder Replaced Dating with Hookup Culture?  CNN, Aug 18, 2015.

Jess Bidgood and Motoko Rich, Rape Case Puts Focus on Culture of Elite St. Paul’s School. New York Times, Aug 18, 2015.

Lynn Stuart Parramore, How Capitalism Turns Love into an Addiction. Reuters, Aug 31, 2015.

Nancy Jo Sales, Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”. Vanity Fair, Sep 2015.

Katie Grant, Scottish MSP's Plans to Decriminalise Sex Work Wins Support Across the Country. UK Independent, Sep 11, 2015.

Tara Kennedy-Kline, I'm A Mother Of 2 Boys, And I Can't . And Won't. Support Feminism. Your Tango, Oct 28, 2015.

Theresa E DiDonato, Should You Play Hard to Get?  Psychology Today, Oct 31, 2015. on being wanted vs. being liked

David Vine, 'My Body Was Not Mine, But the U.S. Military's'.  Politico, Nov 1, 2015. inside the disturbing sex industry thriving around America's bases

Stephen Snyder, The Trouble With Modern Love. Psychology Today, Nov 2, 2015. on why having so many romantic options isn't good for you

Petey Menz, Cuffing Season Is Here: Till Spring Do Us Part.  New York Times, Nov 10, 2015.

Antonia Abbey, Alcohol and Sexual Assault.  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Danielle Pacquette, What a Creepy Bloomingdale Ad Tells Us About America's Understanding of Rape.  Washington Post, Nov 12, 2015.

Alexander Sehmer, Transgender Man Thought He Was Out of Shape, But Discovered He Was Pregnant. The Independent, Nov 13, 2015.

Lara Parker, What It’s Like To Date When You Can’t Have Sex. BuzzFeed, Nov 15, 2015. about a woman with endometriosis, vulvodynia, and vaginismus

Gretchen Kelly, This is How a Lifetime of Potentially Dangerous Situations Affects Every Woman. Upworthy, Dec 10, 2015.

Dee Rene, Finding the Courage to Walk Away from Situationships. For Harriet, Dec 2015.

Rachel Kramer Russell, How These 5 Little Words Could Jump-Start an Illicit Sexual Affair. Salon, Jan 8, 2016.

Kirsten King, I Don't Owe Anyone My Body. Buzzfeed, Jan 27, 2016.

Michael Castleman, The Surprising Truth About Modern Hook-Ups. Psychology Today, Feb 15, 2016. A data-driven comparison between earlier time periods and the social media age, arguing that not much has changed.

Guy Winch, How to Fix a Broken Heart. TED, Feb 27, 2018. Brain studies have shown that the withdrawal of romantic love activate the same mechanisms in our brains as withdrawal from addictive substances. Sometimes seeking an explanation or closure is like feeding an addiction. Idealizing the person is also an illusion.

Peggy Orenstein, It's a "Blow Job" Because It's Work: How Guys Push Women to Make Oral Sex as Common as Shaking Hands. Salon, Apr 2, 2016.

Ian Johnston, Paedophilia a 'Sexual Orientation - Like Being Straight or Gay'. UK Independent, Apr 3, 2016.

Sade Patterson, This College Student Taught Campus Feminists What a Real Sex Week Looks Like. The College Fix, Apr 5, 2016.

Spencer Kornhaber, Beyonce's Lemonade and the Sacredness of Sex. The Atlantic, Apr 26, 2015.

Kiah McBride, What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Having Sex. Necole, Apr 26, 2016.

Nik DeCosta-Klipa, Sex Abuse at New England Schools is Widespread. Boston Globe, May 8, 2016.

Charlotte Alter, What Trans Men See That Women Don't. Time, May 17, 2016.

Katie Mettler, Texas Teacher Had Sex With Her 8th Grade English Student 'On Almost a Daily Basis,' Police Say. Washington Post, Jun 2, 2016. With his parents' encouragement

Jon Miltimore, Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Students?  Intellectual Takeout, Jun 3, 2016.

Mary Eberstadt, The First Church of Secularism and Its Sexual Sacrament. National Review, Jun 15, 2016.

Greg Popcak, Millennials Less Promiscuous Than Any Generation for 60 Years. Here’s Why That’s Terrible. Patheos, Aug 4, 2016.

Ryan Parry, Mother, 36, and Son, 19, Say They'll Do Anything to Defend Their Love. UK Daily Mail, Aug 8, 2016. adoption, incest, and public policy

Jessica Contrera, And Everyone Saw It. Washington Post, Sep 6, 2016. about a 7th grader who sent a sext to a boy who shared it

Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh, Sexuality and Gender. The New Atlantis, Fall 2016. See also critique by Zack Ford, The Truth About The Massive New Study That Has Captivated Anti-LGBT Groups. Think Progress, Aug 26, 2016.

Meryl Williams, I'm Demisexual: It Takes Me a While To Feel Physical Attraction. Washington Post, Nov 16, 2016.

J.C. Pan, Responsible Hedonists. The Nation, Nov 15, 2016.  A review of Emily Witt, Future Sex

Sarah A. Spell, Comparing Intimacies: Race Relations and Racial Inequality in Hookup Culture. UPenn Scholarly Common, Nov 29, 2016. See also Emma Patton, Paula England, and Andrew Levine, Sexual Behavior and Attitudes Among White, Black, Latinx, and Asian College Students. Context, Nov 11, 2019. From Sarah Spell:

“This three article dissertation explores how race/ethnicity and gender structure the opportunities to hook up and social distance between racial groups. Using data from the Online College Social Life Survey (n = 18,347), this dissertation identifies racial/ethnic differences within gender in participation in hookup culture. While Asian men and non-White women are less likely to participate, they are more likely to desire opportunities to hook up suggesting that they are excluded from hookup culture rather than opting-out. Rates of interracial hookups additionally suggest that non-White students are less likely to hook up with a partner of another race/ethnicity than are White students so they have fewer potential partners. Social distance is further revealed by two measures of interaction. Women who report interracial hookups are less likely than those who report same-race hookups to be familiar with their partner before the hookup, and men in interracial hookups are less likely to communicate after the hookup. Survey findings are supplemented with self-collected interview and focus group data (n = 69), which reveal how minority students feel vulnerable to negative social consequences because of their small group size. Additionally, they are more likely to feel ignored or sexualized by other racial/ethnic groups than are White students. Overall, minority students have fewer opportunities to hook up, especially outside their race. This dissertation builds on extant research detailing how racial inequality shapes the college experience by revealing the opportunity structure of hookup culture and that interracial hookups reflect and reinforce social distance.”

Courtney Enlow, Rape Culture Is the Director of 'Passengers' Believing Most Would Do What Chris Pratt's Character Did. Pajiba, Dec 22, 2016.

Sophie Saint Thomas, Why I Slept with a Married Man, and What I Learned. Marie Claire, Dec 26, 2016.

Penny Anderson, Sex-for-Rent is the Hidden Danger Faced by More and More Female Tenants. The Guardian, Jan 11, 2017.

Benjamin Corey, Republican Arrested For Grabbing A Woman By The You-Know-What. Patheos, Jan 14, 2017.

Katherine Schreiber and Heather Hausenblas, Belief in Sexual Compatibility Can Sour Your Sex Life. Psychology Today, Mar 25, 2017.

Poppy Noor, Sex for Rent? It's the Logical Extension of Leaving Housing to the Market. The Guardian, Apr 19, 2017.

Peter von Ziegesar, The Orgasm Cure. Aeon, Jun 15, 2017.

Kimberly Lawson, Men Legally Allowed to Finish Sex Even If Woman Revokes Consent, NC Law States. Broadly, Jun 22, 2017.

Glenn T. Stanton, Why Are Lesbian Teens Having Two To Seven Times As Many Babies As Their Heterosexual Peers?  The Federalist, Aug 7, 2017.

Kristen R. Ghodsee, Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism.  New York Times, Aug 12, 2017.

Rod Dreher, Gender Ideology’s Kindergarten Commissars.  The American Conservative, Aug 24, 2017. About transgenderism

Julie Beck, Love in the Time of Individualism.  The Atlantic, Sep 22, 2017.

Caroline Kitchener, How Campus Assault Became So Politicized.  The Atlantic, Sep 22, 2017.

Tara Isabella Burton, The Dark History Behind Letting Male "Genuises" Get Away with Bad Behavior.  Vox, Oct 26, 2017.

Robert Verbruggen, Sex is Cheap.  National Review, Nov 3, 2017. on Mark Regnerus' book Cheap Sex

Ruth Graham, One Group That Thinks Grown Men “Courting” Teen Girls Is Natural? Fundamentalist Home-Schoolers.  Slate, Nov 14, 2017.

Kwame Anthony Appah, My Wife Is Done With Sex. Can I Turn Elsewhere?  New York Times Magazine, Nov 15, 2017.

Rachel Donadio, France, Where #MeToo Becomes #PasMoi.  The Atlantic, Jan 9, 2018.

 Jessica Blankenship, How to Stop Rushing Into Love.  New York Times, Feb 6, 2018.

Jack Turban, We Need to Talk About How Grindr is Affecting Gay Men's Mental Health.  Vox, Apr 4, 2018.

Karin Jones, What Sleeping With Married Men Taught Me About Infidelity.  New York Times, Apr 6, 2018.

Maureen Dowd, What’s Lust Got to Do With It?  New York Times, Apr 7, 2018. Why would a woman go home with a man, decide she’s not attracted to him but have sex with him anyway? On the pressures of porn culture, correlation with on-line dating

Dave Collins and Denise Lavoie, A Joyful Reunion With Birth Parents Leads to Incest, Murder. Boston Globe, Apr 23, 2018.

Brittany Wong, On Dating Apps, Casual Racism Has Become The Norm For Asian Men. Huffington Post, May 31, 2018. “Sorry, no Asians” on dating profiles

Caitlin Flanagan, Mutually Nonconsensual Sex. The Atlantic, Jun 1, 2018. troubles with Title IX when alcohol is involved on both sides

Caldron Pool, TEDx Speaker Says Pedophilia is a Natural Sexual Orientation. Caldron Pool, Jun 22, 2018. re: Mirjam Heine's TED talk, attempts to differentiate between child sexual abuse and pedophilia

Martin Finucane, 94 New Study: People Tend to Aspire to Date 'Out of Their League' .  Boston Globe, Aug 8, 2018.

Siobhan Fallon, The Kisses That Paid My Rent. New York Times, Aug 24, 2018. re: the author's exchanging of kisses for rent money in Japan; explores beauty and youth and loneliness

Amanda Arnold, 94 Percent of Native Women in Seattle Survey Say They’ve Been Raped or Coerced Into Sex.  The Cut, Aug 27, 2018.

Olga Khazan, Fewer Sex Partners Means a Happier Marriage. The Atlantic, Oct 22, 2018. “People who have had sex with fewer people seem to be more satisfied after they tie the knot. Is there hope for promiscuous romantics?”

Olga Khazan, Your Mother’s Romantic Past Affects Your Own Dating Adventures. The Atlantic, Nov 13, 2018.

“People whose mothers have been married multiple times or have lived with multiple romantic partners are more likely to do so themselves, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal PLoSOne. The longer people are exposed to their mother’s cohabitation, the more sexual partners they tend to have.”

Kate Julian, Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?  The Atlantic, Dec 2018. explores multiple factors, including porn ubiquity.  See also Caroline Kitchener, What’s Causing the Sex Recession?  The Atlantic, Nov 14, 2018.

Ashley Fetters, The 5 Years That Changed Dating. The Atlantic, Dec 21, 2018.

Slavoj Zizek, Apparently, Clubs Now Need to Hire Consent Guardians - Claerly We've Misunderstood Human Sexuality. UK Independent, Dec 31, 2018.

Andrew Sullivan, The Nature of Sex. New York Magazine, Feb 1, 2019.  On the struggle to define sex and gender legally.

Ellie Anderson, Women in Philosophy: The Limits of Consent in Sexual Ethics.  American Philosophy Association Blog, April 24, 2019.  Demonstrates that consent is necessary but not sufficient as a condition for sexual relations.

Christine Emba, Men Are in Trouble. ‘Incels’ Are Proof.  Washington Post, Jun 7, 2019.

Nosheen Iqbal, No Lust at First Sight: Why Thousands Are Identifying as “Demisexual”.  The Guardian, Sep 7, 2019.  Meaning not sexually attracted unless there is first a strong emotional bond; demisexual is a designation that began in 2006

Sloane Ryan, I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned.  Medium, Dec 13, 2019.

The Daily Show, Fox News: Fair and Balanced Misogyny.  The Daily Show, Dec 18, 2019.

Molly Savard, Peeking Behind the Veil.  Slate, Dec 30, 2019. “Because I consider myself a dedicated radical queer, marriage was supposed to be my nemesis. Then I discovered queer wedding Instagram.”

Rosie Bell, I Quit Dating For All Of 2019, And It Was The Most Productive And Successful Year Of My Life. Huffington Post, Jan 1, 2020.

“I was always somewhere in the dating life cycle: in the heat of passion, recovery or hunting once more for those dizzy, eclectic times. Each relationship was effectively a rebound, as I never gave myself time to heal or self-reflect. Without carving out crucial breathing space, I’d keep wearing the habits of yesteryear’s loves and tarring every man with the same brush… While I might have expected life without the pursuit of romantic relationships to bring up feelings of sadness or loneliness, all of this actually culminated in a mind shift whereby I stopped viewing solitude as calamitous. I could give up my subscription to the Must Have a Man Association and life would still go on; it could even be great. Accordingly, recent reports from the American Time Use Survey show that, surprisingly, unmarried women are actually the happiest population subgroup.” 

Brianne Davis-Gantt, I’m A Sex And Love Addict. Here’s How I Realized I Had A Problem.  Huffington Post, Mar 9, 2020. a window into one person’s desires and experience, and also the recovery group that helped her leave that lifestyle

Norimitsu Onishi, Long-Silenced Victim of a Pedophile Writer Gets to Tell Her Story.  New York Times, Mar 31, 2020. re: Francesca Gee, a victim of French writer and pedophilia promoter Gabriel Matzneff

Tara Parker-Pope, Masks, No Kissing and ‘a Little Kinky’: Dating and Sex in a Pandemic. New York Times, Jun 11, 2020. “New York City public health officials have frank new advice for people who are looking for companionship and physical intimacy during the pandemic.”

Amy Collier, The Age of Consent Fairy.  McSweeney’s, Sep 11, 2020. a satirical dialogue showing the weaknesses and foibles of age of sexual consent laws

Sophie Gilbert, How to Tell the Story of a Cult. The Atlantic, Nov 8, 2020. “Two docuseries about NXIVM present a question: Are the people who have escaped a controlling organization the most reliable sources on what happened to them?” Explores a sex cult and why people joined and left.

Saagar Enjeti, NYT's Pornhub Victory Shows Conservatism Is Irrelevant . Rising | The Hill, Dec 10, 2020.  Refers to Nicholas Kristof, An Uplifting Update, on the Terrible World of Pornhub. New York Times, Dec 9, 2020. “Young heroes lead in confronting pornography companies that monetize rape and child abuse” and Nicholas Kristof, The Children of Pornhub.  New York Times, Dec 3, 2020. “Why does Canada allow this company to profit off videos of exploitation and assault?” Enjeti argues that social conservatives have isolated themselves into grievance-oriented media bubbles and fail to speak to the country’s center-left culture, which speaks the language of harm and not religion, tradition, or sacredness. Co-host Krystal Ball suggests that libertarian economic conservatives and neoliberals reign in both the GOP and Dems, though.

Jill Bearup, These Shoes Will Kill You. Jill Bearup, Jun 1, 2021. and Jill Bearup, Boob Armor: 4 Things You Need to Know . Jill Bearup, Jun 1, 2021. gives entertaining explanations for how modern Hollywood movies are unrealistic.

Helen Lewis, The Problem With Being Cool About Sex. The Atlantic, Sep 3, 2021. “Half a century after the sexual revolution, a new generation of feminists understands that we still haven’t reconciled what we should want with what we do want.”

Helen Joyce, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality. Oneworld Publications | Amazon page, Sep 7, 2021. Joyce supports rights for trans people, but rejects gender-identity if different from biological sex. See review by Jesse Singal, Trans Rights and Gender Identity. New York Times, Sep 7, 2021.

“She favorably cites the United Kingdom’s status quo on these issues, which balances legally enshrined protections for trans people with exceptions that allow for truly single-sex spaces in some settings, such as rape shelters. She also opposes legislation that strictly polices trans people’s access to bathrooms. But she does believe that biological sex matters, that females have a right to truly sex-segregated spaces (with some compromise-oriented exceptions), and that gender-identity ideology threatens these ideals. Treating transgender people with dignity and respect and accommodation, Joyce says, does not require embracing a worldview she describes as fundamentally anti-scientific… Joyce offers many troubling examples of what happens when a fundamentalist strain of gender-identity ideology takes hold. In Ireland, England and Canada, natal males convicted of violent sex crimes, but who identify as women, have been housed in women’s prisons. In England, a previously convicted pedophile, in jail on suspicion of having stabbed a neighbor, sexually assaulted multiple female inmates she was housed with. In British Columbia, more than a dozen female beauticians were forced to spend significant time and energy fending off a human rights complaint filed by a trans woman because they refused to wax her penis and testicles. In Spain and Australia, female politicians faced official investigations for expressing public opposition to self-ID.” 

Samuel Perry on Twitter (Twitter, Sep 16, 2021) The “premise (that women have erotic capital & men won’t commit if they can get sexual activity for free) is unsupported” even though Christians, especially James Dobson, have promoted it. However, it does appear to delay men’s marital age.

Kelsey Chapetta and Joan Barth, Interracial Dating: A Closer Look at Race and Gender Differences in Heterosexual Dating Preferences. Journal of Sexuality and Culture, Jan 27, 2022.

“Results indicated that women were more likely than men to say that they were not open to interracial dating, and White people were less open than other racial groups. According to social exchange theory, White and Asian people should have been the most preferred dating partners. However, our findings did not fully support this. Asian people were the least preferred dating partners while White people were the most preferred (excluding one’s own race) across all racial groups.”

Vice, Secret Sex Parties of the Mega-Rich | Informer. Vice, Feb 2, 2022. A Front of House Manager reveals what working in a hotel for the super-rich is really like. From hiring out the whole hotel for a ‘themed’ orgy to covering the tracks of staff sleeping with customers, the Informer details how the job can be demanding physically and emotionally. Blood and gore are all part of the job. At the 6 minute mark, the House Manager says that they used a “divide and conquer” strategy among different ethnic groups working in teams at the hotel.

Vice, Why The Far Right Are So Weird About Sex | Decade of Hate. Vice, May 26, 2022. White supremacy and anti-feminism converge as part of fascist “anti-left” politics and violence against women.

Chris Williamson, Modern Feminism Has Failed Everyone.  Modern Wisdom Podcast 492, Jun 27, 2022.  A 90 minute video interview with Louise Perry.  “Expect to learn why trying to not catch feelings when sleeping with someone is very dangerous, how TikTok is encouraging young girls into rough sex, whether sex work is real work, why men's porn addictions are ruining their sex lives, how the washing machine is more useful than most feminists, whether inventing the pill was an error and much more…”  

04:38 What’s Wrong with the Sexual Revolution?

11:15 Challenging the Idea of ‘Progress’

21:01 Invention of the Pill

27:48 Dynamics of Modern Dating & Marriage

33:55 Explaining Sexual Disenchantment

43:08 The Argument for Celibacy Before Marriage

50:44 Why is Loveless Sex Empowering?

1:04:56 Louise’s Findings on Porn

1:16:09 People Are Not Products

1:25:37 How to Act Against the Sexual Revolution

Sophia Smith-Galer, Ukrainians Are Responding to the Threat of Nukes By Organising an Orgy. Vice News, Oct 4, 2022. “More than 15,000 people have subscribed to “Orgy on Shchekavystsa: Official”, which was set up on the 26th of September, and the intention is to head there in the event of a nuclear attack – as opposed to finding the nearest bunker.”

Ann Manov, Cat Person Wasn’t a MeToo Fable. Unherd, Oct 5, 2022. The subtitle, “Female desire is narcissistic,” is far too broad. But Manov makes important observations here.

Liz Powell, I am Polyamorous, But I’m Single. Newsweek, Dec 3, 2022.

Sarah Zhang, DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest. The Atlantic, Mar 18, 2024. “People are discovering the truth about their biological parents with DNA—and learning that incest is far more common than many think.” “In 1975, a psychiatric textbook put the frequency of incest at one in a million. But this number is almost certainly a dramatic underestimate. The stigma around openly discussing incest, which often involves child sexual abuse, has long made the subject difficult to study. In the 1980s, feminist scholars argued, based on the testimonies of victims, that incest was far more common than recognized, and in recent years, DNA has offered a new kind of biological proof. Widespread genetic testing is uncovering case after secret case of children born to close biological relatives—providing an unprecedented accounting of incest in modern society. The geneticist Jim Wilson, at the University of Edinburgh, was shocked by the frequency he found in the U.K. Biobank, an anonymized research database: One in 7,000 people, according to his unpublished analysis, was born to parents who were first-degree relatives—a brother and a sister or a parent and a child.”

Alice Chappelle, Birth Control and the Anti-Feminist Movement. Alice Chappelle, Apr 22, 2024.

Steven Bartlett, The Sex Expert: "Casual Sex Is Almost Always Dangerous For Women!" - Louise Perry. Diary of a CEO, Jun 20, 2024. Not a Christian perspective per se, but fairly validating of Christian norms around sex and marriage. Perry draws from scientific and anthropological studies.

Mary Eberstadt, The Social and Political Effects of the Sexual Revolution. Centre for Independent Studies, Oct 22, 2024.

“This video explores the impact of the sexual revolution on society, politics, and Christianity. It includes a discussion of how the contraceptive pill has shaped personal and societal choices since the 1960s, with references to unintended consequences. The speaker, Mary Eberstadt, revisits themes from her previous book and analyses the broader cultural effects of the sexual revolution. The discussion also touches on issues like loneliness, family structures, and identity politics. It reflects on how changes in private behaviour may have led to social dysfunction and intellectual confusion in contemporary society.”

Ben Meiselas, WTH!! GOP Exposes its Entire Crime Enterprise for Trump. The Meidas Touch, Nov 24, 2024. Repeated sex abuse scandals, including with minors, point to a deeper organizational problem with the party that supposedly stood for “family values” and “conservatism.”

Amanda Marcotte, Tradwives, Incels and Cat Ladies: The Year MAGA Broke Heterosexuality. Salon, Dec 28, 2024. “Republicans idealize "traditional" marriage, but their actions make the straight life a bad prospect.”


Sex: Topics:

This section on Sex engages the role sex plays in human relationship. We examine Jesus’ definition of humanity, his referring to the larger biblical story, and God’s vision for relationships. Christian Marriage focuses on the Christian definitions, and experiences, of marriage and sex. Same-Sex Attraction spotlights pastoral care for people who experience it and the debates about same-sex unions. Civil Unions for All is a biblical, constitutional, and practical defense of this policy proposal compared with a heteronormative policy and anti-religion policy. Character and Marriage highlights various perspectives on the relationship between personal character and the institution of marriage. Marriage Trends highlights varying approaches to, and experiences of, marriage, broadly. Sex Trends focuses on varying approaches to, and experiences of, sex, broadly. Sex Industry examines the moral problems with, and personal and social effects of, the commodification of sex.