Character and Marriage
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The following resources are anecdotes, cultural trends, and reflections on the relationship between character and marriage. They are not Christian reflections or teachings.
Conversation Stations
These are the images used in artistic physical displays. They are survey questions and conversation starters that are topically and thematically organized. They demonstrate how Jesus is relevant to each topic or theme. You can also just view the images on your device. If you would like, see all our Conversation Stations; below are the ones that relate to the topic of Sex.
Is a Good Friend Hard to Find? (instructions and conversation tree)
Find Your Heart's Desire? (and instructions and theology of desire)
Resources on Character and Marriage:
Dan Gilbert, The Surprising Science of Happiness. TED talks, Feb 2004.
Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice. TED talks, Jul 2005.
Tracy McMillan, Why You're Not Married . Huffington Post, Feb 13, 2011.
Dr. Neil Clark Warren, On Second Thought, Don't Get Married. Huffington Post, Jul 5, 2011. founder of eHarmony, on what makes an inspiring marriage
Debbi Dickinson, He Lied to Me When We First Met and I Married Him Anyway. Huffington Post, Apr 14, 2012. on why you shouldn't marry the wrong person
Steven Crowder, A Man's Top 5 Reasons to Grow Up and Get Married. Fox News, Jan 26, 2013. an entertaining piece
Shankar Vedantam, Why You Love That Ikea Table, Even If It's Crooked. NPR, Feb 6, 2013. on why laboring leads to loving
Alain de Botton, 12 Rude Revelations About Sex. Psychology Today, Jan 2, 2013.
Dina Nayeri, Divorce from My Best Friend. Salon, Feb 11, 2013.
Joe Amoia, Cheating Signs: 3 Ways to Identify a Cheater. Huffington Post, Apr 18, 2013.
Bradford Wilcox, True Love Need Not Wait. Huffington Post, Apr 19, 2013.
Grace Biskie, Fourteen and Sexually Screwed Up. Prodigal Magazine, Apr 22, 2013.
Brett and Kate McCay, How Delaying Intimacy Can Benefit Your Relationship. July 1, 2013.
Emily Esfahani Smith, There's More to Life Than Being Happy. The Atlantic, Jan 9, 2013.
Michael Carey, Is Polyamory a Choice?. Slate, Oct 16, 2013.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, Casual Sex and the Unsatisfied Woman. Huffington Post, Nov 12, 2013.
Sex: Topics:
This section on Sex engages the role sex plays in human relationship. We examine Jesus’ definition of humanity, his referring to the larger biblical story, and God’s vision for relationships. Christian Marriage focuses on the Christian definitions, and experiences, of marriage and sex. Same-Sex Attraction spotlights pastoral care for people who experience it and the debates about same-sex unions. Civil Unions for All is a biblical, constitutional, and practical defense of this policy proposal compared with a heteronormative policy and anti-religion policy. Character and Marriage highlights various perspectives on the relationship between personal character and the institution of marriage. Marriage Trends highlights varying approaches to, and experiences of, marriage, broadly. Sex Trends focuses on varying approaches to, and experiences of, sex, broadly. Sex Industry examines the moral problems with, and personal and social effects of, the commodification of sex.