Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
Bible Studies, Messages, Papers
Photograph: Thracian art depicting a Galatian. Celtic people inhabited the Galatian region at the time the apostle Paul visited there, and wrote to them. Photo credit: Unknown, Creative Commons.
Below are messages, small group leader notes, and exegetical notes on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.
Messages on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
Galatians 5:22 - 23 The Fruit of the Spirit: Love
Small Group Leader Notes on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
Thematic Study Jesus' New Humanity
Galatians 5:13 - 6:1 Our Flesh vs. Jesus' Spirit
Notes and Essays on Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
Overview of Galatians An essay for Dr. Bruce Beck, at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, Fall Semester 2018; examines the prophetic significance of Galatians in light of "chosen people" exceptionalism claimed by inhabiting the narrative of Mosaic Israel
Other Resources on Paul's Letter to the Galatians
Charles Twombly, The Faithfulness of the Son of God: T F Torrance's Appropriation of Galatians 2:20 (Academia, Jul 12, 2012)
Daniel R. Street, Cursed by God? Galatians 3:13 in Early Jewish Context (blog post, Feb 13, 2014) an intriguing possibility
N.T. Wright, Paul and His Letter to the Galatians (UDEMY course)
Jackson Wu, Did God Shame Jesus? The “Curse” of Gal 3:13 in Light of Honor and Shame (Patheos, Nov 7, 2018)