
Photo credit: Anthony Davison | Pexels


The following topics were chosen because they are important and actionable on both the personal and public policy levels. The sessions draw on articles and videos that are easily accessible.

1. Sugar:  Did God Make Poison? (Exodus 20:15 - 16; 21:18 - 19; Deuteronomy 22:1 - 8)

2. Corn and Corn Subsidies:  When Your Addiction is Someone Else's Allergy (Leviticus 25 selections; Exodus 21:18 - 19)

3. Plastic:  When Your Choices Mutate Someone Else's Baby (Genesis 2 - 3 selections)

4. Meat:  What's the True Cost?  And Who Pays It? (Leviticus 25 selections; Deuteronomy 22:6 - 7)

5. Food Waste:  Are Greed and Gluttony Still Sins? (Deuteronomy 24:19 - 22; Proverbs 23:1 - 5; 25:16; 28:6 - 8; Ezekiel 16:49; Philippians 3:19)

Note: Please check back here for the most recent pdf copies of our Study & Action Guide to Out of Eden.  Because of the nature of the topic, we update the Guide to stay current.

Participants' Guide (Sessions 1 - 5)

Leaders' Guide (Sessions 1 - 5)